“In Vino Veritas” and “In Intelligentia Artificiali Futura”

Cover: Alcoholic beverages.
Public Domain. Source: Huffpost Canada

13 min read – Jun 21 2023

Maurício Pinheiro

Let’s have a chat about drinks, a topic I personally find quite interesting. I enjoy drinking socially, and over time, I’ve developed a simple and personalized approach to enhance my enjoyment. It goes something like this:

  1. From Mondays to Thursdays, I choose not to drink at all. This helps me maintain a healthy balance in my life.
  2. When Friday evening rolls around, and the weather is cold, there’s nothing better than uncorking a bottle of rich red wine. However, on hot summer days, I reach for a refreshing cold beer to quench my thirst.
  3. Saturdays are reserved for special occasions, particularly when my mom invites us over for lunch. It’s during these family gatherings that I delve into the world of spirits, indulging in some of my favorites like Scotches, Bourbons (I must confess, I’m a bourbon lover), and Cachaças. Although, I should mention that if my brother is not present, I opt forthe combination of beers and cachaça instead, as he’s not particularly fond of beers.
  4. Sundays are all about spending quality time with my family. I take on the role of the chef, cooking up a delicious meal for my wife and son. As we savor the flavors, I often pair the food with either a crisp white wine or a chilled beer, depending on the mood and the dish.
  5. I rarely mix different alcoholic beverages. I prefer to appreciate the distinct flavors and characteristics of each drink individually.
  6. It goes without saying that I adhere strictly to the rule of never drinking and driving. Safety is paramount, and I always make responsible choices when it comes to alcohol consumption. And I alternate with my wife in the steering wheel.
  7. Special dates hold a unique place in my algorithm. They call for their own set of rules and considerations, allowing me to celebrate and enjoy the occasion to the fullest.
  8. Lastly, when it comes to cocktails, they’re just not my cup of tea (or glass of spirits). I prefer to appreciate the pure essence of each alcoholic beverage, without the additional mixers and ingredients found in cocktails.

This algorithm has helped me maintain a healthy and enjoyable relationship with alcohol. It provides structure, allowing me to savor the moments without overindulging.

Part of the so-called “Banquet Plaques”, which were very common throughout Sumer. This is the middle register, where an unidentified man and woman seem to drink beer in a cheers action. Beer was a common daily dietary staple in ancient Mesopotamia. From Ur, Iraq. Early Dynastic Period, 2900-2350 BC. Sulaymaniyah Museum, Iraqi Kurdistan. By Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasgow). January 20, 2014. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Ah, choosing what specifically to drink is indeed a fascinating journey, filled with trial and error, memorable experiences, and the influence of loved ones. I’ve personally found that my preferences have been shaped by a variety of factors such as recommendations from friends and family, my own travels, harmonizations with different cuisines, and of course, budget considerations. It’s through these experiences that I’ve optimized the weights and biases of my own neural network, refining my tastes amidst the vast array of available possibilities.

Detmolder Pilsener from Privat-Brauerei Strate Detmold is one of my favorite German beers hailing from Nordrhein-Westfalen. This refreshing Pilsner has captured my taste buds with its impeccable balance and delightful flavor. Brewed with precision and craftsmanship, it offers a crisp and clean taste that is both satisfying and invigorating. By Felix Stember. Source: Wikipedia.

For instance, my time spent living in Germany alongside my German friends was instrumental in learning what constitutes a good beer. It was a relatively easy task given the rich beer culture and the Reinheitsgebot, the 500-year-old German Beer Purity Law. While I do appreciate classics like Guinness, I’ve also developed a fondness for Belgian Witbeers and Sapporo, all while keeping in mind that the principles of the Reinheitsgebot is what makes a good beer.

When it comes to Scotches, I tend to rely on the expertise of my brother, who doesn’t particularly drink beer but enjoys whisky (and wine) instead. His recommendations have steered me towards delightful Scotch whiskies that I may not have discovered on my own. Even my trips to the Scottish Highlands did not contribute significantly to my whisky experience, except for tasting a Portuguese whisky purchased as Scotch from a whisky shop. You know, being a tourist student with a limited budget… Anyway, it made for an amusing anecdote.

However, during the confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic, I embarked on a personal journey of exploration with Kentucky Bourbons. With the help of online resources, such as Google, and the suggestions from my friends, I delved into a world of new flavors and discovered a whole new realm of bourbon. As a result, there’s no longer any room for the old Jack (Tennessee whiskey) in my taste.

Barrels of Woodford Reserve bourbon age in a rickhouse. Photo taken with an Olympus E-5 at the Woodford Reserve distillery, Versailles, Kentucky, USA. Cropping and post-processing performed with Adobe Lightroom. By Ken Thomas. Public domain. 8 September 2013. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Now, let’s talk about cachaça. Oh, cachaça! Being from Minas Gerais, Brazil, cachaça is like cheese to us—it holds a special place in our hearts. I had the privilege of learning about this traditional Brazilian spirit from one of the most knowledgeable experts I know—my dad. His guidance and wisdom have allowed me to appreciate the nuances of different cachaça varieties, elevating my enjoyment of this beloved alcoholic beverage. I have a personal preference for young whites over aged yellows and browns, particularly those hailing from the northwestern region of Minas Gerais.

The best cachaças are made of Cana caiana due to its high suggar content. By Cícero R. C. Omena. 3 February 2013. Source: Wikipedia.

Now, if you’ll allow me a moment, I’d like to take a brief pause from our conversation to share a personal message directed to the acclaimed Oscar winner, Matthew McConaughey. Matthew, I hope that one day you come across these words and they reach you in the spirit of genuine admiration.

Dear Matthew, I recently learned about a fascinating connection between you and the world of cachaça. It turns out that one of your wife's uncles was renowned for producing the finest cachaças in the world in that tiny little town called Itambacuri, the land of my forefathers. The art of crafting exceptional cachaça is truly a labor of love, and it's remarkable to think that such mastery runs in your extended family. So, Matthew, if you ever find yourself in Itambacuri again, I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage you to support and motivate your wife's relatives to reopen the alambique—the traditional distillery where this exceptional cachaça was created, in the road to São José da Fortuna. By revitalizing this legacy, not only will you be paying homage to the craft and tradition, but you'll also be contributing to the preservation of an important cultural heritage. Imagine the joy and pride that could be rekindled within the community as they witness the resurrection of this renowned alambique. The revival of this distillery would not only be a testament to the family's remarkable talent but also serve as a beacon of inspiration for future generations, encouraging them to cherish and perpetuate the artistry and excellence associated with this unique spirit. Matthew, your influence and support can be a catalyst for change, igniting a renewed passion for cachaça production in Itambacuri. The world is waiting to savor the flavors of their exceptional creations once more. Together, we can help preserve the legacy and craftsmanship that make cachaça such a beloved and distinctive Brazilian treasure. Thank you for taking the time to read this personal message. May it reach you one day and inspire you to embark on this remarkable journey. Cheers, Maurício
The best cachaça in the world, for me, was produced in the rural area of Itambacuri, MG, which happens to be nearby my father’s farm.

When it comes to developing my taste in wines, my journey has been a combination of trial and error, enriched by some incredible personal experiences. However, there’s also been a modern twist to my wine exploration—a helpful companion in the form of an AI-powered app.

Allow me to share a couple of those memorable experiences first. One such occasion was when I had the pleasure of tasting an Retsina, a renowned wine, in the idyllic setting of Crete. The breathtaking surroundings that include the minoic palace of Cnossos and the flavors dancing on my palate left an indelible mark, deepening my appreciation for the world of wines.

Greek Retsina wine holds a special place in the world of wines, with a unique character that sets it apart. Originating from Greece, this traditional wine is known for its distinct flavor profile, thanks to the inclusion of pine resin during the winemaking process. The resin imparts a subtle, piney aroma and a distinctively crisp, refreshing taste. Retsina is often enjoyed as an accompaniment to Greek cuisine, perfectly complementing dishes such as grilled fish, seafood, and mezes. Its historical significance and cultural prominence make Retsina a captivating choice for wine enthusiasts seeking a truly authentic Greek experience. Photo by mactrunk on Getty Images.

Another remarkable memory was during the International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductors in in Wurzburg 2002. The wine tasting and dinner took place in the enchanting dungeons of a medieval castle. As I sat amidst towering barrels of wine, surrounded by esteemed Nobel would-be laureates, the atmosphere itself seemed to enhance the pleasure of each sip. It was during this memorable event that I had the opportunity to indulge in the delights of Frankenwines, further enriching the experience.

Ah, and finally, I mustn’t forget to mention the unforgettable conference in Ahrrus, Denmark back in 2003. During this extraordinary event, I was honored with an invitation to partake in a unique tradition—opening a bottle of Champagne with a sword, all while surrounded by armored Vikings and physicist collegues. The cork soared through the air, accompanied by the joyful cheers and applause of those present. It was a moment that perfectly blended the realms of tradition, celebration, and scientific camaraderie—a memory that will forever hold a special place in my heart. However, amidst the excitement of the moment, the specific taste of that particular Champagne remains a delightful mystery, lost in the whirlwind of the festivities. Nonetheless, the memories created and the shared joy of that occasion will forever be etched in my mind.

However, despite these extraordinary moments, I must admit that my knowledge of wines was still limited. That’s when I discovered an app that revolutionized my wine journey. This app utilizes Artificial Intelligence to enhance the wine-tasting experience in various ways. It is called Vivino.

Screenshot of the android version of the Vivino app with AI-powered personalized selection of wines according to my taste.

Firstly, the app incorporates image recognition technology, allowing me to snap a photo of a wine label or bottle and instantly access information about the wine, such as its origin, grape varietals, and tasting notes. This feature has been invaluable in expanding my understanding of different wines and regions.

Furthermore, the app harnesses recommendation engines to provide harmonization suggestions. Whether I’m enjoying a home-cooked meal or dining out at a restaurant, the app suggests ideal wine pairings based on the flavors and ingredients involved. It has helped me discover delightful combinations I may not have considered before.

Lastly, the app’s personalized suggestions cater to all budgets, making it accessible to wine enthusiasts at any level. Whether I’m seeking affordable yet quality options or indulging in something more exclusive, the app offers tailored recommendations that align with my preferences and financial considerations.

With the assistance of this AI-powered app, my wine exploration has become more informed, accessible, and enjoyable. It has become a trusted companion, guiding me through the vast world of wines and expanding my palate. Each bottle I encounter is an opportunity for discovery, thanks to the fusion of technology and oenology.

Now, let’s pivot our discussion and venture into the captivating world of technology, where we explore the remarkable advancements in e-tongues, artificial intelligence, and the vast potential they harbor for quality control within the realm of drinks. Just as our taste buds delight in the nuances of flavors, advancements in technology are paving the way for innovative approaches to assessing and ensuring the quality of our favorite drinks.

First what is an E-Tongue? An e-tongue is a device that can mimic the human sense of taste by using an array of sensors that respond to different chemicals in a liquid sample. The sensors generate electrical signals that are processed by a pattern recognition system, such as artificial neural networks or principal component analysis, to identify the taste profile of the sample. E-tongues can be used for various applications, such as quality control, food and beverage analysis, water monitoring, pharmaceutical testing, and biosensing.

Video presentation of the Astree electronic tongue developed by the french company Alpha-MOS. Alpha-Mos also produces the Heracles electronic noses and the Iris electronic Eyes.

Some of the more modern technologies for e-tongues include: 1) ChemFET sensors: These are chemically modified field effect transistors that use potentiometry to measure the potential difference between a reference electrode and a sensing electrode. They are sensitive to chemical, ionic, and neutral compounds responsible for taste; 2) Layer-by-layer films: These are ultrathin films composed of alternating layers of different materials, such as polymers, nanoparticles, enzymes, or antibodies. They can be tailored to achieve higher sensitivity and selectivity for specific analytes or biomolecules; and 3) Impedance spectroscopy: This is a technique that measures the impedance (resistance and reactance) of a sample as a function of frequency. It can provide information about the electrical properties, structure, and interactions of the sample and the sensors.

Now imagine a future where these e-tongues, sophisticated electronic devices designed to mimic the capabilities of our taste buds, play a pivotal role in quality control. These remarkable devices are equipped with sensors capable of detecting and analyzing a wide range of chemical compounds that contribute to the taste and aroma of beverages (together with E-noses) as well as reactive oxygen species that degrade them. With their remarkable precision and sensitivity, e-tongues are poised to revolutionize the way we assess and authenticate the quality of our drinks.

But it doesn’t stop there. Enter artificial intelligence, an integral component of this futuristic landscape. AI algorithms, with their ability to process vast amounts of data and identify intricate patterns, complement the capabilities of e-tongues. They can learn from extensive datasets, allowing them to discern subtle variations and deviations in flavors, textures, and overall quality. Through this symbiotic relationship between e-tongues and AI, we can unlock unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency in quality control processes.

The Prussia brewery, based in Minas Gerais, apparently launched its first beer developed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) on March 7th of this year. The Black IPA beer, according to the brewery, offers a balanced profile, presenting a robust hop flavor and aroma while maintaining a subtle roasted malt character and an alcohol content of 6.5%. The label image was also created with generative AI. However, it is important to mention that since then, we haven’t heard anything about this beer, which could indicate that it was a marketing stunt. Source: Estado de Minas.

Imagine a world where every batch of wine, beer, or spirits undergoes rigorous examination by e-tongues, working tirelessly to ensure consistency and excellence. These devices, guided by AI, can swiftly identify variations, detect potential defects, and provide real-time feedback to producers, enabling them to fine-tune their processes and maintain impeccable standards.

This amalgamation of e-tongues, AI, and quality control holds tremendous promise for the future of the beverage industry. Producers will have access to a powerful toolkit that not only enhances their ability to deliver exceptional products but also streamlines their operations, reducing waste and optimizing resources. For consumers, it means a guarantee of consistent quality, as each sip delights the palate with the intended flavors and characteristics.

So, as I continue on my drink-tasting journey, I raise a glass to the remarkable experiences, personal and technological, that have shaped my appreciation for the noble alcoholic beverages. Cheers to the marriage of tradition and innovation in the world of drinks and to the possibilities that lie ahead!

#AI #ArtificialInteligence #Wine #Bourbon #Cachaça #Beer #DrinkExploration #PersonalizedTasting #VivinoApp #AIandWine #WineJourney #E-Tongues #InnovationInDrinks #CocktailAutomation #TraditionAndInnovation #CheersToTheFuture #UnforgettableTastingExperience #TechnologyInDrinks #HarmonizationSuggestions #BeverageQuality #AIandQualityControl #CheersToExcellence #SavorTheFlavors #DrinkResponsibly






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