AI Hallucination

Cover: Stable Diffusion 2.1
Prompt> artificial inteligence hallucinations

Maurício Pinheiro


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many fields, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. However, the development and deployment of AI systems have faced significant challenges, one of which is AI hallucination. AI hallucination occurs when AI models produce results that are unexpected or do not match real-world data. This problem can result in false news reports, assertions, and documents that can be rapidly disseminated and widely shared via social media, posing a danger to the accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness of AI applications. This paper discusses the causes, consequences, and solutions to the problem of AI hallucination.

Causes of AI Hallucination

AI hallucination can be caused by various factors, such as adversarial examples and improper transformer decoding. Adversarial examples are inputs that have been intentionally altered or distorted to trick an AI system into producing incorrect results. These examples can be created by adding imperceptible noise to an image or by changing a few pixels in an image, which can cause an AI system to misclassify the image. Improper transformer decoding is another cause of AI hallucination. Transformer decoding is the process by which a transformer model generates text based on its input. When the transformer model is improperly decoded, it can produce text that is grammatically incorrect or semantically incoherent.

Consequences of AI Hallucination

AI hallucination can have severe consequences, especially when it comes to generating false reports or documents. For instance, AI-generated news reports can be used to spread false information, which can have far-reaching consequences. False reports generated by AI can also be disseminated rapidly and widely via social media, leading to panic, mistrust, and confusion. In the field of healthcare, AI hallucination can lead to inaccurate diagnoses or treatment recommendations, putting patients at risk. In transportation, self-driving cars that rely on AI are vulnerable to hallucinations, which can result in accidents and injuries.

Solutions to AI Hallucination

Developers working in AI are actively seeking solutions to AI hallucination. One approach to addressing this problem is to use robust models that are less vulnerable to adversarial examples. Robust models can be trained using various methods, such as adversarial training, which involves adding adversarial examples to the training data to make the model more resilient to adversarial attacks. Another approach is to use techniques such as input sanitization, which involves filtering out adversarial examples from the input data. Furthermore, ensuring that the transformer model is correctly decoded is crucial in reducing the risk of AI hallucination. Developers can also use techniques such as explainable AI (XAI) to understand how an AI model makes its decisions, making it easier to spot and correct errors.

Identifying AI hallucinations

Identifying AI hallucinations in generative AI text and image is an important task for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness of AI applications. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to identify AI hallucinations in generative AI text and image:

Identifying AI Hallucinations in Text-Generated Content:

  1. Review the content for coherence: Coherence is a measure of how well the generated text flows and makes sense. AI hallucinations often produce text that lacks coherence or does not make sense. Review the content to ensure that it is coherent and makes logical sense.
  2. Look for grammatical errors: AI hallucinations often produce text with grammatical errors. Look for common errors like subject-verb agreement, incorrect word usage, and misspelled words. If the text has grammatical errors, it may be an AI hallucination.
  3. Check the source of the content: If the text is generated by a language model or chatbot, it is important to check the source. If the source is not reliable or trustworthy, the content may be an AI hallucination.
AI hallucination: ChatGPT summarizing a non-existent New York Times article March 30, 2023. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Identifying AI Hallucinations in Computer Vision:

  1. Review the generated images for accuracy: AI hallucinations can produce images that are inaccurate or do not match real-world data. Review the generated images to ensure that they are accurate and match the intended output.
  2. Look for visual anomalies: AI hallucinations often produce images with visual anomalies that are not present in real-world data. Look for unusual visual patterns or artifacts that may indicate an AI hallucination.
  3. Test the image against real-world data: Compare the generated image against real-world data to determine if there are any discrepancies. If the generated image does not match real-world data, it may be an AI hallucination.

In summary, identifying AI hallucinations in generative AI text and image involves reviewing the content for coherence, looking for grammatical errors, checking the source of the content, reviewing the generated images for accuracy, looking for visual anomalies, and testing the image against real-world data. By following these steps, you can spot AI hallucinations and take appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI applications.


AI hallucination is a significant issue in the development and deployment of AI systems. Adversarial examples and improper transformer decoding are some of the causes of this problem. The consequences of AI hallucination can be severe, especially when it comes to generating false reports or documents. However, developers working in AI are actively seeking solutions to AI hallucination, such as using robust models, input sanitization, and XAI. It is essential to reduce the risks of AI hallucination by ensuring that the data used to train and design AI systems are adequate and accurate.

#AI #AIHallucinations #AdversarialExamples #GenerativeAI #ComputerVision #AIModels #FalseNews #Accuracy #Reliability #Trustworthiness #DataTraining #DataAccuracy #TextGeneration #ImageGeneration #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ChatGPT


Transformers are neural network models that have become fundamental in advancing artificial intelligence, especially in natural language processing. They are composed of self-attention layers, which allow the model to predict the probability of the next word in a sequence of words. The use of transformers has been highly successful in text generation tasks such as automatic translation, text summarization, and natural language conversation. Furthermore, the transformers’ ability to understand the context of a word within a sentence, allowing it to better capture language nuances, has led to significant advances in natural language processing applications such as chatbots, personal assistants, and sentiment analysis in texts. The transformer technology is continuously evolving and is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future of artificial intelligence.

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