Resistance is Futile

Cover: Enetrprise D

Logo from the television program Star Trek: Picard, by Vilnisr May 15, 2019. Source Wikimedia Commons.

Maurício Pinheiro

Attention: This advisory note is intended for fans of Star Trek Picard who have not yet seen the 3rd season or any of its episodes. There are spoilers ahead.


During this month, my son and I had the honor of watching the highly anticipated third season of Star Trek Picard. Being ardent followers of the franchise, it was an extraordinary experience to witness the Next Generation crew’s return after over three decades! The likes of Picard, Commander Riker, Geordi La Forge, Data, Worf, Dr. Crusher (with an almost unrecognizable appearance), Deanna Troi, along with several other characters, including our beloved Seven of Nine, an elder Tuvok, and Raffi, all come together in a reunion of epic proportions.

The Crew in the old days.

From the very outset of Season 1, it was evident that this series would be a departure from the norm. The writers took daring chances by delving into intricate themes such as mortality, memory, and artificial self-awareness. Who can forget the unforgettable moments from the previous seasons, such as when Seven of Nine commandeers a Borg cube and lands it on Coppelius, or when Q appears in the second season, shattering the very foundations of the show’s reality?

Season 3

As we delve deeper into the third season of Star Trek Picard, we are presented with even more exhilarating developments that will undoubtedly leave fans spellbound. The USS NCC-1701-D crew, meticulously repaired by the brilliant engineer Geordi La Forge, is back in action, undocking from the fleet museum where other iconic vessels from the series are displayed.

The autonomous fleet defense system is not connected to the rebuilt Enterprise D.

The reunited old crew faces new challenges and obstacles that test their mettle and loyalty to each other as they navigate through a world that has drastically changed since their last mission. The intense drama that unfolds, including encounters with Changelings and an old Borg Queen villain, is genuinely captivating, drawing viewers into the emotional journey that these beloved characters must undertake.

The fact that the audience becomes so invested in the fate of these fictional characters is a testament to the show’s remarkable writing and production values. As we witness their struggles and triumphs, we are reminded of the timeless themes that make Star Trek so enduring – hope, exploration, and the limitless potential of humanity.

This season explores the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) in even greater depth. As we witness the consequences of unchecked technology and its impact on society, we are reminded that resistance is not just an option, but a necessity. The writers of the show have expertly crafted a cautionary tale that warns us of the perils of blindly relying on technology and the importance of balancing it with human ethics and values.

The characters face complex moral dilemmas that challenge their beliefs and push them to their limits, making for a thrilling journey that keeps viewers engaged and invested while raising profound questions about our relationship with technology and its role in shaping our future.

For those who haven’t caught up yet, we highly recommend avoiding any spoilers and diving into the show with an open mind. It’s a riveting tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat and is sure to spark meaningful conversations about the role of technology in our lives.

Irumodic Syndrome

Jean-Luc Picard, iconic face palm, Star Trek: The Next Generation. Source:

One of the most intriguing aspects of the storyline is the character’s struggle with Irumodic Syndrome and the development of the positronic body.

Irumodic Syndrome is a fictional neurological disorder caused by prolonged exposure to warp travel, leading to memory loss, cognitive decline, and eventually death. The condition serves as a reminder of the sacrifices Starfleet officers make in their pursuit of exploration.

In the series, even Picard, a prominent figure in the Star Trek universe, is not immune to this condition, and the early stages of the disease add a new layer of vulnerability to his character. However, the introduction of the positronic body, an android replica of Picard’s physical form, designed with memories and consciousness, challenges our understanding of humanity and raises profound questions about identity.

While the positronic body has exciting implications for Picard’s future, it also prompts exploration of what it means to be human and raises questions about the nature of the relationship between humans and machines. The storyline demonstrates the show’s commitment to exploring complex themes and pushing the boundaries of Star Trek series.

Locutus of the Borg. Source:

Interestingly, the diagnosis of Irumodic Syndrome for Picard is actually incorrect. In reality, it was his son Jack Crusher who inherited the condition, and Picard’s genome was rewritten when he was assimilated by the Borg as Locutus. This genetic code could potentially be exploited to give the Borg control over Starfleet and the Federation.

The dangers of algorithms

Algorithms have become an increasingly prevalent part of our lives, shaping our interactions with technology and influencing the decisions we make. While they can offer significant benefits, they also pose potential dangers, particularly in the context of advanced technology like the Starfleet fleet.

Imagine a hypothetical situation in which a modified gene sequence, intentionally made dormant, is introduced into the transporter codes used by the Federation. The goal of this could be to spread the modified sequence like a computer virus, which would pose a significant threat to Starfleet and the Federation. If the Borg were to get hold of this virus, they could potentially use it to gain control over all individuals who use the transports, thereby taking over the Federation…

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Borg Cube, Borg Queen. Source:

Another potential danger arises from the automation of Starfleet ships through a single algorithm. With predictive technology and a fleet of autonomous drones, Starfleet ships could operate in sync and with incredible efficiency. However, this level of technological integration and uniformity could also make the fleet incredibly vulnerable to even minor changes in the underlying code. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard warned, this kind of uniformity could bring Starfleet perilously close to resembling the Borg, and the risks associated with such a system require careful consideration and contingency planning.

In conclusion, the potential dangers of algorithms in the context of advanced technology like the Starfleet fleet cannot be overlooked. It is essential to balance the benefits of these systems with the associated risks and carefully plan for contingencies to prevent potential disasters. The Star Trek series serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of careful consideration and planning when developing and implementing advanced technological systems.

Data vs Lore an Epic Battle of two AIs

In my opinion, one of the most breathtaking moments in Star Trek’s third season is the monumental battle that occurs within a positronic brain between two advanced artificial intelligences, Data and Lore. The clash of these two sophisticated systems is truly remarkable and underscores the remarkable technological accomplishments of the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data (Star Trek).

The scene in question is truly mesmerizing, and words alone cannot do it justice – it’s an experience that must be witnessed firsthand to truly appreciate. The tension and drama that unfolds between Data and Lore as they engage in a strategic battle of wits is nothing short of breathtaking. The intricate programming behind these intelligent machines is a testament to the unparalleled imagination and technical genius of the Star Trek creative team. With the return of a new and improved Data, the impact of this moment is sure to stay with viewers long after the episode’s end. Even Deana Troy would likely agree…

Last Thoughts

Overall, this remarkable series serves as a poignant reminder of the incredible potential of artificial intelligence, their dangers and the numerous ways it can be utilized to expand our knowledge of the world. The show’s writers have crafted a masterful cautionary tale that highlights the importance of being mindful of the potential risks and consequences of AI, even as we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Live Long and Prosper 🖖

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #StarTrekPicard #StarTrek #Season3 #NextGeneration #USSNCC1701D #Picard #Borg #Changelings#IrumodicSyndrome #Data #PositronicBody #Humanity #Technology #Ethics #Algorithms #AutonomousDrones #ResistanceIsFutile #BoldlyGo

Gizmodo: 14 Burning Questions We Have After Star Trek: Picard Season 3’s Finale

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