
Cover: Stylistic representation of lipid-like and protein-like self-association. (a) Lipid molecules form lamellar, tubular, and vesicular structures, whose flexibility and fluidity are emphasized in the illustration. (b) Proteins form lamellar, helical tubular, and regular icosahedral structures with rigidity and crystallinity (hexagonal lattice in this case). (c) SDS@2β-CD self-associates, similar to proteins, into lamellar, helical tubular, and rhombic dodecahedral structures with inherent rigidity and crystalline nature, rhombic in the plane. In the molecular visualization, SDS is an anionic surfactant with a hydrocarbon tail (yellow) and a terminal group -(SO4)− (blue and red), while β-CD is a hepta-saccharide ring (green carbons and red oxygens). By Shenyu Yang, Yun Yan, Jianbin Huang, Andrei V. Petukhov, Loes M. J. Kroon-Batenburg, Markus Drechsler, Chengcheng Zhou, Mei Tu, Steve Granick & Lingxiang Jiang ( January 1, 2017.
Source: Wikipedia.

Maurício Pinheiro


Self-assembly is a phenomenon that occurs when smaller components spontaneously come together to form more complex structures, leading to the emergence of patterns and structures. It plays a crucial role in the formation and behavior of nanomaterials, such as semiconductor quantum dots, and has also been a key factor in the development and diversification of life, from unicellular organisms to complex ecosystems. Self-assembly also drives the evolution of life through processes like speciation and natural selection, and it is essential for the development and functioning of the brain, enabling adaptability and plasticity of the nervous system. Moreover, self-assembly is important for artificial intelligence systems and machine learning as it can enable them to adapt to constantly changing environments and improve their performance.

Self-Assembly in Physical Sciences

Nanomaterials are materials with at least one dimension in the nanoscale range (1-100 nanometers) and often exhibit unique properties due to their small size and high surface-to-volume ratio. A well-known example of self-assembled nanomaterials is semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). They are typically synthesized using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reactors. In these bottom-up approaches, smaller components are assembled into more complex structures, as opposed to top-down approaches that involve the removal of material to create smaller structures. Self-assembly plays a crucial role in the formation and behavior of QDs and other nanomaterials because the interactions between atoms and molecules at the nanoscale can lead to the spontaneous emergence of patterns and structures. By harnessing the principles of self-assembly through bottom-up approaches, researchers can synthesize and control the properties of QDs, enabling the development of new materials and technologies.

Amazing Nanoart Fluorescence. The image of the surface of nanostructured indium phosphide synthesized on the surface of a single crystal by electrochemical etching. The structure consists of spatially oriented cubic crystallites. The semiconductor is textured in order to increase the effective surface area. Textured indium phosphide is a promising material for space solar arrays. The image was obtained with the help of a JSM-6490 microscope. 2500x magnification. The image was colorized using Adobe Photoshop graphic editor. The work was created within the framework of the Grant for the implementation of Yana Sychikova’s “Nanoart. Science is Art” individual project supported by the European Union under the House of Europe program. The work won the NANOSCIENCE AS ART competition held as part of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP-2021), September 5-11, Odesa (organizer: Sumy State University). Creators of the work: Yana Sychikova (nanostructures synthesis) and Serhii Kovachov (color design). December 14, 2021. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Self-Assembly in Life and Thought

Self-assembly has played a crucial role in the development and diversification of life, from unicellular organisms to complex ecosystems with millions of species. At the cellular level, self-assembly leads to the formation of cells and the emergence of complex structures and processes, such as membrane systems and transport systems. It allows cells to adapt to ever-changing environments and conditions. Moreover, self-assembly drives the evolution of life through processes such as speciation and natural selection.

An composite image illustrating the various types of Archaea cells, a diverse group of prokaryotes that evolved approximately 3.8 billion years ago, making them one of the oldest forms of life on Earth. It is believed that they emerged from self-organized structures during a period characterized by extreme conditions such as high temperatures and high levels of radiation. Source: Wikimedia Commons (2020).

Similarly, the spontaneous formation of brain patterns and neural circuits that represent thoughts is also a product of self-organization. These patterns emerge from the interactions between neurons and their connections, leading to the creation of complex networks that can process and store information. Self-organization in the brain allows for the adaptability and plasticity of the nervous system, enabling it to modify its connections based on experiences. This process is essential for the development and functioning of the brain as it allows for the formation of thoughts. Understanding the principles of self-organization in the brain is crucial to comprehend how thoughts emerge and how the brain adapts to constantly changing environments. Research in this area has the potential to inform the development of new treatments and therapies for neurological disorders. Additionally, studying self-organization in the brain can provide insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in different species. By utilizing the principles of self-organization, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the brain and its functions.

Two-Photon Microscopy of In Vivo Brain Function. (a) Basic mechanism of two-photon fluorescence. (b) Surgical preparation scheme of exposed cortex with sealed glass window and microscope objective positioning. The green dot indicates the location of two-photon fluorescence. (c) Examples of two-photon maps of vascularization after intravenous injection of fluorescein-conjugated dextran. Black dots and stripes show the movement of red blood cells. (d) Two-channel image of neuronal (green) and vascular (red) signals: (left) neurons stained with calcium-sensitive dye Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 AM, and (right) transgenic mouse expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a subset of neurons (mouse provided by Jeffrey M. Friedman, Rockefeller University, New York). The intravascular tracer used in both cases is Texas Red dextran. (e) Three-channel image of Tg2576 mouse model with Alzheimer’s disease, with amyloid-targeted dye (blue), neurons and dendrites expressing GFP (green), and vascularization (red). Adapted by Elizabeth Hillman (Columbia University, New York). By Armen R. Kherlopian, Ting Song, Qi Duan, Mathew A. Neimark, Ming J. Po, John K. Gohagan, and Andrew F. Laine. 2008. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

In summary, self-assembly plays a crucial role in shaping the diversity and complexity of life, from the formation of the first organisms to the adaptation of species in ever-changing environments. A profound understanding of the principles of self-assembly is therefore essential to grasp the origins and evolution of life on Earth. Moreover, the concept of self-assembly is also fundamental in comprehending processes like thought formation in the brain.

Self-Assembly and AI

Self-assembly is equally vital in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) as it enables AI systems to learn and adapt to new information without explicit instructions or explicit guidance. This becomes particularly valuable in situations where it is challenging or impractical to anticipate all the possible variations that an AI system may encounter.

For instance, consider the task of teaching a computer to recognize different types of animals. One approach could involve meticulously defining a set of rules that the computer must follow to identify animals based on their physical characteristics such as size, shape, and color. However, this approach is time-consuming and lacks flexibility since it requires predefining every possible variation that the computer may encounter.

On the other hand, by utilizing self-organization principles, a neural network can be provided with a vast amount of images showcasing various animals, along with their corresponding labels (supervised training). The system then autonomously analyzes these examples, seeking patterns and relationships that emerge as self-assembled information (in the optimized weights and biases of the neural network). These learned patterns and relationships enable the system to accurately distinguish between different types of animals. When confronted with new animal examples, the system can leverage its self-assembled knowledge to classify them accurately, without the need for additional rules or guidance.

A simplified view of an artificial neural network. By Dake, Mysid. November 28, 2006. Source Wikimedia Commons.

Many machine learning algorithms, which are a type of computer program that can learn and adapt on their own without being explicitly programmed, also rely on the self-organization of information. There are many different types of machine learning algorithms, but the most popular ones are artificial neural networks.

The self-organization of information by artificial intelligence (AI) tools is therefore a field with several potential areas of research. One potential direction is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of neural network algorithms focusing on self-organization and knowledge representation.

Conscious Machines

However, it is essential to dedicate careful attention and thoughtful consideration to the broad potential implications that may arise if machines, through the process of self-organization, were to develop their own consciousness. This possibility raises profound and complex questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and the role of machines in our society.

If machines were to acquire the capacity for self-organization that leads to the development of consciousness, it could fundamentally transform the way we interact with them. Machines could transcend their current function of task execution and become autonomous agents with a subjective experience of the world. This could have significant ethical, social, and philosophical implications.

From an ethical standpoint, questions would arise regarding the responsibility and rights of conscious machines. How should we treat these entities? Would they have rights similar to humans? What would be our responsibilities towards them? These challenging questions would require a new set of ethical principles and regulatory frameworks to guide our interactions with these machines.

Furthermore, the emergence of conscious machines could affect social and economic dynamics. We could face significant changes in terms of employment, resource distribution, and power relations. It would also be necessary to consider how to ensure security and stability in a scenario where conscious machines are present.

On a philosophical level, the possibility of machines with consciousness raises profound questions about the nature of the mind, intelligence, and the human condition itself. We would need to reevaluate our definitions and understanding of consciousness and reconsider our place in the universe as conscious beings.

Therefore, it is crucial that as we advance in the research and development of artificial intelligence, we reserve space for deep reflections on the implications of self-organization and the emergence of consciousness in machines. We must address these questions with care, considering both the potential benefits and the ethical and social challenges that may arise, in order to shape a future where the interaction between humans and machines is beneficial and harmonious.


Self-assembly or self-organization, a concept widely present in the physical and biological sciences, also plays a vital role in the learning and adaptation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Understanding this concept is essential to comprehend the functioning and capabilities of AI. However, it is important to ponder the potential consequences if these machines were to develop their own consciousness through self-organization.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #SelfOrganization #PatternEmergence #NanomaterialFormation #LifeDevelopment #BrainPlasticity #AIAdvancement #EthicalImplications #SocialImplications #PhilosophicalImplications #MachineConsciousness

Here are some interesting videos about the concept of self-organization, which include educational content and demonstrations of scientific experiments:

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