ChatGPT: Information or Disinformation?

Image: Average location of auroras in the North and South poles (animation). Circling Jupiter’s shadow (animation). This animated gif depicts the view of NASA’s Juno spacecraft during its approach to the gas giant on November 3, 2019. The Sun is represented as the yellow spot rising to the left of the planet. Located at the North and South poles, the gas giant’s auroras are shown in blue. Jupiter’s faint rings are displayed in gray. More information about the Juno mission can be found at and Source: Wikipedia.

10 min. – July 7, 2023

Amanda Otone do Nascimento and Maurício Veloso Brant Pinheiro
Departamento de Física, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brasil

This article investigates the reliability of information provided by ChatGPT, the advanced large language model developed by OpenAI. The study focuses on exploring the potential of ChatGPT to answer complex questions in the field of Physics. By posing a specific question regarding Jupiter’s auroras, the model’s response is analyzed to evaluate its accuracy and reliability. The article emphasizes the importance of verifying information provided by ChatGPT and highlights the need for understanding fundamental physical concepts related to the question at hand. Through an examination of the electromagnetic spectrum and the formation of auroras, the differences between Earth’s auroras and those on Jupiter are explained. The article concludes that while ChatGPT can serve as a valuable tool, it is crucial to exercise caution, cross-check information from reliable sources, and combine the model’s insights with further research and critical analysis for a comprehensive and reliable understanding.


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a multidisciplinary field of Computer Science that develops systems and algorithms capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. One of the tools that has received a lot of attention recently is ChatGPT (“Generative Pre-Trained Transformer“), developed by OpenAI. It is a Large Language Model (“LLM“) that uses neural networks and machine learning to engage in virtual dialogue in Natural Language. ChatGPT has been trained on large amounts of data available on the internet until September 2021, which allows it to respond and provide information on a wide range of topics, giving the feeling of accessing knowledge in one place.

However, should we question the reliability of the information provided by ChatGPT? Should we verify the information returned by it or fully trust the answers generated by AI, such as ChatGPT?

Based on the above questions, the purpose of this article is to investigate the potential of ChatGPT to answer more complex questions in the field of Physics. Therefore, we will ask a question to ChatGPT in order to analyze the response generated by the model and evaluate its accuracy and reliability. Thus, the question asked to ChatGPT was as follows:

Prompt\ Do Jupiter’s auroras emit radiation in the visible light wavelength?

The response provided by the AI can be seen below:

Answer\ Yes, Jupiter’s auroras emit radiation in the visible light spectrum. The auroras are caused by the interaction between Jupiter’s magnetic field and charged particles such as electrons and ions, which come from the solar wind and the planet’s moons. These particles are accelerated along Jupiter’s magnetic field lines and collide with the planet’s atmosphere, causing the emission of radiation at different wavelengths, including visible light. The visible radiation emitted by Jupiter’s auroras can vary in color depending on the gases present in the planet’s atmosphere. For example, molecular oxygen can produce red auroras, while molecular hydrogen can contribute to blue or ultraviolet auroras. Images captured by space probes, such as NASA’s Juno probe, have revealed beautiful images of Jupiter’s auroras, showcasing this visible light emission.

Test 1

According to the ChatGPT's response, do you believe that Jupiter's auroras are visible in the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Considering that the goal of this article is to question the accuracy of the response provided by ChatGPT, it is essential to verify the correctness of the response provided by the model. In order to do so, it is necessary to understand some essential physical concepts that are related to the question directed to ChatGPT. Let’s start by presenting the concept of the Electromagnetic Spectrum in order to obtain a good understanding of what the mentioned visible light spectrum means in the question.

What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

Electromagnetic waves can be classified according to their different wavelengths and frequencies. This classification is known as the electromagnetic spectrum, which encompasses all forms of electromagnetic radiation present in the universe, such as: Gamma rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet, Visible Light, Infrared, Microwaves, and Radio waves. This can be observed in the image below.

Electromagnetic Spectrum. Wavelengths in meters. By William Anderson, 2019. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Despite the wide variety of electromagnetic radiation present in the universe, the human eye is capable of perceiving only a small fraction of this radiation, known as visible light. This range of radiation allows us to perceive the vast array of colors present in the rainbow, including its nuances and derived shades, as illustrated in the image above.

To the right of the visible spectrum, we find forms of energy with lower frequencies than visible light, resulting in longer wavelengths. These forms of energy include Infrared, Microwaves, and Radio Waves, which are constantly present in our surroundings and are used in applications such as radio signal transmission, cell phones, among others. It is important to note that this type of radiation is not harmful to health due to its low frequencies, as long as its intensity is not too high.

To the left of the visible light spectrum, we have forms of radiation that are harmful to living organisms due to their extremely high frequencies, resulting in high energies. These forms include Ultraviolet Rays, X-rays, and Gamma Rays. Protective measures need to be taken, such as using sunscreen to block UV rays from the Sun or wearing lead aprons provided by radiologists during exams, in order to prevent X-rays from coming into contact with undesired areas for the examination. Gamma Rays, on the other hand, are the most harmful as they possess the highest frequency and energy. Fortunately, the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs Gamma Rays coming from space, protecting us from this form of radiation that is detrimental to our health.

But you may be wondering, what is the relationship between auroras and the electromagnetic spectrum? Don’t worry, I will explain it to you! To understand the relationship between auroras and the electromagnetic spectrum, we need to understand how they are formed.

How are auroras formed?

The polar aurora is a physical phenomenon that occurs at the Earth’s poles. When it occurs in the Northern Hemisphere, it is called the Aurora Borealis, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the Aurora Australis. Both auroras are caused by the ejection of charged particles, mainly protons and electrons, escaping from the gravitational pull of the Sun. These particles reach the Earth as a solar wind gust, interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field, with most of the particles being deflected by it. However, some particles manage to penetrate the magnetosphere, the region where the Earth’s magnetic field is located, following spiral paths along the magnetic field lines present in the polar regions of the planet, as illustrated in the image below.

Structure of the Earth’s Magnetosphere. 1) Deflected solar wind particles; 2) Captured solar wind particles forming auroras; 3) Van Allen belt; 4) Solar wind; 5) Bow shock wave; 6) Polar cusp; 7) Earth’s atmosphere 0 – 100 km; 8) Magnetotail; 9) Plasma mantle; 10) Neutral mantle; and 11) Magnetosheath. Original bitmap from NASA. Credits: William Crochot. October 24, 2014. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

When charged particles, mainly protons and electrons, coming from the Sun approach the Earth, they interact with the Earth’s magnetic field. The vast majority of these particles are deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field. However, some particles manage to penetrate the magnetosphere through the lines of the Earth’s magnetic field, towards the polar regions of the planet.

When these particles reach the Ionosphere, they collide with molecules of gases present in this layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, mainly Oxygen and Nitrogen. These collisions excite the molecules, causing them to enter a higher energy state. Subsequently, they return to lower energy levels and, as a result, release the light we observe in the sky, known as the aurora. The colors we see are determined by the interaction with the molecules of gases present in the Ionosphere. Thus, green and red are produced by the collision with Oxygen, while pink and blue colors are produced by the collision with Nitrogen molecules, depending on the ionization state.

It is truly a fascinating natural spectacle!

Spectacular Northern Lights. Source: National Geographic.

However, the raised question refers to the auroras on Jupiter. Are there any differences between the auroras on our planet and those on the gas giant? Do Jupiter’s auroras appear in the visible light spectrum, just like Earth’s, or do they emit in other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum? Let’s now delve deeper into the peculiarities of auroras on Jupiter.

The auroras on Jupiter exhibit some differences compared to those on Earth. They are significantly larger in size, much more energetic, and never cease. These characteristics make the Jovian auroras a continuous and impressive spectacle on the gas giant. This is because Jupiter has an additional source: its moon Io, famous for its numerous and large volcanoes that release charged particles into space. These particles are attracted by the strong magnetic field of the gas giant, along with the charged particles originating from the Sun.

Jupiter’s Northern Lights captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Source: NASA.

In summary, as Jupiter rotates, charged particles from the solar wind and its moon Io compress its magnetic field, heating and trapping ions. These ions, under the influence of Jupiter’s magnetic field, eventually collide with the planet’s poles, triggering the magnificent spectacle of the auroras.

The first images of Jupiter’s auroras became possible to observe thanks to the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, which has a detector capable of capturing a wide range of wavelengths, from Ultraviolet to Visible (detected by our eyes) and near-Infrared. This broad detection range allowed the Hubble to capture features of the Jovian auroras in the Ultraviolet, which could be studied by scientists. However, it is important to note that Jupiter’s auroras are also emitted in other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from Infrared to X-rays, including visible light. While their emissions occur in various ranges, the peak emission of Jupiter’s auroras occurs mainly in the Infrared and Ultraviolet.

Test 2

After reading a bit more about the subject, do you agree with the ChatGPT's response that it is possible to observe Jupiter's auroras in the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Now that we have acquired an understanding of the main essential physical concepts to address the question asked to ChatGPT, we can evaluate that the information provided by the model was not entirely accurate. The previous answer did not cover all the relevant aspects for a complete understanding of auroras on Jupiter. However, when we resubmit the same question to ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence itself recognizes the error in the previous answer, as can be clearly seen in the image below. This ability of self-assessment and correction demonstrates the iterative nature of the AI learning process, highlighting the importance of continuously evaluating and enhancing the accuracy of the obtained information.

Prompt\ Do Jupiter’s auroras emit radiation in the visible light wavelength?

Answer\ I apologize for any previous confusion. Jupiter’s auroras are primarily visible at non-visible wavelengths, such as Ultraviolet and infrared. They emit radiation mainly in the Ultraviolet and Infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Jupiter’s auroras are best observed and studied using ultraviolet and infrared-sensitive instruments. Space telescopes and specialized probes, such as NASA’s Juno probe, are capable of capturing images and data of these auroral emissions in non-visible wavelengths. Although there are some observations of Jupiter’s auroras in visible colors, such as red and green, these are exceptions and not the most common emissions. Auroras at visible wavelengths are relatively faint on Jupiter and generally require specialized observations and processing to be visualized. I apologize again for the previously inaccurate information. Thank you for your understanding.


It is essential to keep in mind that ChatGPT is a valuable tool, but using the information provided by it requires caution. Although the model is highly advanced and capable of generating useful responses, it is always advisable to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information through reliable sources. Combining the insights provided by ChatGPT with additional research and critical evaluation is essential to obtain a more comprehensive and reliable knowledge.

By exercising this cautious approach, we can make the most of the tool’s potential and ensure the acquisition of accurate information. ChatGPT serves as a starting point for exploring complex topics, providing a foundation for further in-depth research and critical analysis. Combining the resources of the model with reliable sources and specialized knowledge allows us to develop a more robust and well-founded understanding.

In summary, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that offers useful and inspiring answers, but it is our responsibility to exercise discernment and verification in order to obtain accurate information. By combining the potential of ChatGPT with additional research and a critical approach, we can broaden our understanding and enjoy the benefits of informed and reliable wisdom.

Despite Jupiter’s auroras emitting radiation ranging from radio waves to X-rays, the most intense regions are in the infrared (emitting power of 4 to 40 terawatts, for wavelengths between 3 and 14 micrometers) and in the ultraviolet (2 to 10 terawatts, for wavelengths between 80 and 180 nanometers). Source: Wikipedia.

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Educational video on how auroras are formed. Source: TED Ed.

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